
오세행 교수
Prof. Se Heang Oh

2012 - 현재

의생명과학부 의생명시스템학 전공
Department of Biomedical  Science and Biosystems/Nanobiomedical Science,
Dankook University

Office 🏢: 단국대학교 천안캠퍼스 보건과학관 411

Telephone ☎️: 041-550-1257

Email 📧: seheangoh@dankook.ac.kr

2001 - 2006
Ph.D. Department of Polymer Science & Engineering / Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering / Hannam University 
1999 - 2001
M.S. Department of Polymer Science & Engineering / Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering / Hannam University
1994 - 1999
B.S. Department of Polymer Science & Engineering / Hannam University  
Work Experience 
2012 -present
Department of Biomedical Science and Biosystems / Nanobiomedical Science, Dankook University 
2007- 2012
Research professor
Department of Advanced Materials, Hannam Univ.
2006 - 2007
Research scholar
Wake Forest institute for regenerative medicine, Wake Forest Univ. 
Full time researcher
Institute of hybrid materials for information and  biotechnology